Crossroads Concert - See Yourself: Stories of Resilience

Darshan Trio


Sun, October 01, 2023

3:00 PM – 4:30 PM PDT


The Rosenthal Theatre of Inner City Arts

720 Kohler Street

Los Angeles, Ca 90021

United States



Darshan Trio (Dominic Cheli, piano; Vijay Gupta, violin; Yoshika Masuda, cello) will interweave stories and performances from artists in Los Angeles Poverty Department - members the Skid Row community - performing a series of monologs centered around themes of resilience. Darshan means "view, sight, vision: a beholding of a sacred object, as well as the sacred within. Another way of seeing, and being seen." Los Angeles Poverty Department’s new performance Resilience taps into the innate health in everyone by exploring activities that we like to do. When we do these activities, we feel competent and confident. They give us pleasure and we feel good about ourselves. Many people spend way too much time lamenting their past— stuck in guilt. Letting go of that, recognizing that what’s past can’t be undone, opens the space to be in the present moment and do the life affirming activities that make you happy. This is explored in LAPD’s performance Resilience.

TICKETS Selected during registration

ONE General Admission
